Portraet einer Loewin

From the rainforest to the Savannah

Rwanda and Tanzania Roundtrip | Duration: 14 nights

Best time to travel
June - September and December - February
Flight time
11 hrs from Frankfurt
from 14.550 € per person plus flights

Rwanda and Tanzania Round Trip - From Rainforest to Savannah

This round trip promises pure variety and makes your African heart beat faster. You will combine some of the absolute highlights of East Africa and will not get out of amazement. In two weeks, you will travel from the rainforest of Rwanda, over the savannah of the Serengeti, to the white sandy beaches of Zanzibar. Be enchanted by the magical moment when you stand eye to eye with a silverback, walk in the footsteps of chimpanzees on the pristine island of Rubondo and experience a spectacular safari adventure in probably the most famous national park in Africa, the Serengeti National Park. Your crowning finale will be spent on the spice island of Zanzibar on the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean.


Teefelder und im Hintergrund wolkenbedeckte Vulkane

Day 1

Welcome to Rwanda

You will arrive at the International Airport in Kigali, where your guide will already be waiting to welcome you warmly to Rwanda. Your journey to Volcanoes National Park will start immediately once you have completed all entry formalities. The drive takes about three hours and takes you over rolling hills dotted with tea plantations. You will spend two nights at the foot of the Volcanoes National Park in a charming lodge with gorgeous views of the Virunga Mountains.

AccommodationSabyinyo Lodge
Kopf eines Gorillas

Day 2

Gorilla Trekking

In the beginning, you walk through farmland, and then you go up through the dense bamboo forest. The hike usually takes between one and five hours and takes you over uneven ground, through dense branches and sometimes steeply uphill. A little adventurousness is required, but all the effort you put in will be amply rewarded as soon as you catch sight of the first gorilla of the family. Now one of the most beautiful hours lies ahead of you. Watch the young animals romp around and try to climb trees, observe the silverback as he exercises his dominance and just enjoy the wonderful moment in which you are part of this gorilla family.

AccommodationSabyinyo Lodge
Schild mit Kigali Memorial Center

Day 3


After a relaxing breakfast, your guide will drive you back to the capital today, passing picturesque landscapes. Have lunch at a local restaurant and take an afternoon tour exploring the bustling and vibrant city. Visit the Kigali Genocide Memorial, where survivors of the 1994 genocide tell the story in their own way through very moving displays.

AccommodationSabyinyo Lodge
Der Lake Viktoria und die Ufer bedeckt mit Wald

Day 4

Onward journey to Tanzania

With many wonderful memories in your luggage, you will continue to Tanzania today. By plane this morning, you will fly to Rubondo Island on Lake Victoria. About 80% of the island is covered by dense tropical forests, providing the perfect habitat for wildlife such as chimpanzees, forest elephants, giraffes and over 200 species of birds. In the afternoon you can decide for yourself what you want to do. Learn about the island's chimpanzees at "The Nest" information centre, take a guided walk and discover the flora and fauna, or simply relax by the swimming pool.

Accommodation: Rubondo Island Camp

Schimpanse im Wald

Day 5 - 6

Rubondo Island

After breakfast, you will set off with a packed lunch in your backpack together with your guide and travel by 4WD vehicle or boat to the north of the island, where you will start your chimpanzee trekking. You will walk through the dense forest and over dirt roads, always following the sounds of the chimpanzees. The project to habituate chimpanzees to humans is still in full swing, so you will have a special opportunity to be a part of conservation here. Afterwards, enjoy a relaxing boat ride across the lake and watch the beautiful sunset.

Accommodation: Rubondo Island Camp

Gnuherde auf einer offenen Ebene

Day 7 - 9

Safari in the Serengeti

The last morning in the forest overlooking the lake has dawned before you fly on to your final safari leg today. In about two hours you will fly to either the northern or southern Serengeti. You will stay at a camp that moves to a different location in the Serengeti depending on the time of year to provide guests with an optimal location to see the two million wildebeest, zebra and gazelles of the Great Migration. Indulge in some rest at the camp before embarking on your first game drive across the savannah in the afternoon, keeping an eye out for lions, cheetahs and zebras.

Accommodation: Olakira Migration Camp

Vogelperspektive mit Blick aufs Meer und den Strand

Day 10 - 14

Pure relaxation in Zanzibar

Today your safari adventure ends. Many exhausting and exciting days are now behind you, and it is time for some rest. You will fly to the island of Zanzibar and spend a few more days on the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean. Allow yourself some rest, review your past adventure and enjoy the pleasant breeze of the sea air.

Accommodation: Zuri Zanzibar

Zwei Liegen mit Sonnenschirm am weissen Sandstrand und dem Ozean im Hintergrund

Day 15

Homeward journey

Two wonderful weeks in Rwanda and Tanzania are now coming to an end. On time for your return flight you will be driven to the airport and start your journey home.

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