Blauer Himmel mit ein paar Wolken und der Sonne

Best time to visit Rwanda

Tips for perfect travel planning

Tips for perfect travel planning

To get the most out of your trip to Rwanda, choosing the right time to travel is crucial. In this article, you will learn all about the climatic conditions, the different seasons and the best times for different activities. Whether you want to experience the majestic mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park, go on safari in Akagera National Park or hike through the dense forests of Nyungwe Forest - we will show you when the best time to travel is for your individual interests. Let us inspire you and plan your perfect trip to Rwanda!

Written by: Anja Sterker Last updated at: June 26, 2024

Climatic conditions in Rwanda: what you need to know

Rwanda is located just a few degrees south of the equator and therefore enjoys a pleasant, tropical highland climate. Temperatures are relatively constant throughout the year and vary between 15 and 27 degrees Celsius depending on the region and altitude. The capital Kigali, for example, which lies at an altitude of around 1,500 meters, has an average daily temperature of around 21 degrees Celsius.

Regional differences

  • Volcanoes National Park

In the northwest of the country, where the impressive mountain gorillas live, the climate is cooler. Temperatures can drop significantly, especially in the morning and at night. It is advisable to bring warm clothing when visiting this region.

  • Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park in the east of the country is at a lower altitude and has a warmer, savannah-like climate. Temperatures here can reach up to 30 degrees Celsius during the day, especially in the dry season.

  • Nyungwe Forest

The dense Nyungwe Forest in the southwest of Rwanda offers a temperate climate with regular rainfall. Due to the high humidity and frequent rainfall, it is green and lush here all year round.

Dry season or rainy season? Find the ideal travel time for Rwanda

Choosing the right time to travel is crucial to getting the most out of your vacation. Rwanda has two main seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. Each of these seasons has its own advantages and offers different experiences.

Dry season

  • December to February

Advantages: This short dry period is ideal for many outdoor activities. The paths are dry and easy to walk on, which is particularly advantageous for gorilla trekking and safaris. The animals are easier to observe as they gather more frequently at waterholes.

Temperatures: Temperatures are pleasant and vary depending on the region. In Kigali, they average around 21 degrees Celsius.

  • June to September

Advantages: The longer dry season is also ideal for all outdoor activities. The clear skies and pleasant temperatures make this time particularly popular with visitors. It is the best time to visit the national parks and enjoy the breathtaking scenery.

Temperatures: Temperatures are similar to the short dry season and allow for comfortable exploration.

Rainy seasons

  • March to May

Advantages: The big rainy season brings frequent and heavy rainfall. Although some areas can be difficult to access, the landscapes are transformed into a lush green paradise. This time also offers the opportunity to enjoy the peace and solitude of nature without many tourists.

Temperatures: Despite the rain, temperatures remain mild, making the trip pleasant.

  • October to November

Advantages: The minor rainy season is less intense than the major rainy season, but still wet. This time is ideal for bird watching and landscape photography. The rains ensure that the vegetation remains vibrant and colorful. If you want to save some money, this is the ideal time for you to travel.

Temperatures: Temperatures remain mild and pleasant, making travel comfortable despite the rains.

What time of year is best for you?

The best time to visit Rwanda depends on your personal preferences and the activities you have planned. If you are looking for optimal conditions for gorilla trekking and safaris, the dry season from June to September is ideal. If you want to experience the green, lush landscape without large crowds of tourists and save some money, the rainy seasons can also be an appealing option. No matter when you travel, Rwanda always offers unforgettable experiences and breathtaking natural beauty.

Best time to travel for specific activities

A wealth of unique experiences await you, which can be enjoyed differently depending on the time of year. Here are the best times to experience some of the most fascinating activities in this beautiful country:

Gorilla trekking: a unique experience

Best time: The dry seasons from December to February and June to September

Gorilla trekking in the Volcanoes National Park is undoubtedly one of the highlights for travelers to Rwanda. During the dry seasons, the trails are less muddy and easier to walk on, making trekking more enjoyable. The clear visibility and pleasant weather help you to better observe these majestic creatures in their natural environment.

Nachdenklicher Gorilla

Leopard liegt auf einem Baum und schaut in die Kamera

Safari in Akagera National Park: In search of the Big Five

Best time: The dry seasons from December to February and June to September

Akagera National Park in eastern Rwanda is known for its impressive wildlife, including elephants, lions, leopards, rhinos and buffalo. The dry season is ideal for safaris as the animals often congregate at the remaining waterholes and the vegetation is less dense, making sightings easier.

Chimpanzee trekking and canopy walk in Nyungwe Forest

Best time: All year round, with a preference for the dry seasons

Nyungwe Forest is a paradise for hikers and adventurers. The canopy walk, which offers breathtaking views over the lush rainforest, is an unforgettable experience. Although the forest is accessible all year round, the trails are more accessible during the dry seasons and the chances of clear visibility are higher. However, the rainy seasons also offer their charm, as the forest is then particularly green and lively.

Schimpanse klettert im Baum im Nyungwe Nationalpark

Ein kleiner Vogel mit einem leuchtend orangefarbenen Kopf und braunem Gefieder sitzt auf grünen Blättern in einem dichten Buschwerk.

Birdwatching: A paradise for ornithologists

Best time: The rainy seasons from March to May and October to November

Rwanda is a true paradise for birdwatchers with over 700 different bird species. The rainy seasons are particularly good for birdwatching as many birds are nesting and the landscape is particularly green. This makes it easier to discover the diverse species in their natural habitat.

Visits to tea and coffee plantations: harvest times and tour options

Best time: February to May and September to December

The country is known for its high-quality tea and coffee. Visits to the plantations not only offer insights into the cultivation and processing, but also the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful landscape. The best times for such visits are during the harvest seasons from February to May and from September to December, when the plantations are in full bloom and the harvest is in full swing.

Teeplantage in saftigem gruen

Blick auf die Skyline von Kigali

Culture and city trips: Discover Kigali and the surrounding area

Best time: All year round

Kigali, the vibrant capital of Rwanda, offers numerous cultural and historical sights all year round. Whether you visit the Kigali Genocide Memorial, explore the markets or enjoy the city's culinary delights - Kigali is worth a visit at any time of year.

Special events and festivals that you should not miss

The country in East Africa is not only known for its impressive nature and wildlife, but also for its vibrant culture and the numerous festivals that take place throughout the year. These special events offer you the opportunity to immerse yourself in Rwandan culture and gain unforgettable experiences.

Kwita Izina: The important gorilla naming ceremony

One of the most famous and unique events in Rwanda is Kwita Izina, the annual naming ceremony for newborn gorillas. This ceremony usually takes place in September and attracts visitors from all over the world. During the ceremony, young gorillas born in the previous year are symbolically named by celebrities and conservationists. Kwita Izina is not only a festive occasion, but also an opportunity to raise awareness of mountain gorilla conservation and celebrate efforts to preserve these majestic animals. The event also includes cultural performances, music and dance that offer a deep insight into the traditions of Rwanda.

Kigali Up! music festival: a celebration of music and culture

The Kigali Up Music Festival is another highlight in the Rwandan calendar of events. This festival takes place in July and is a must for music lovers. The festival features a colorful mix of local and international musicians presenting a variety of musical genres, including Afrobeat, reggae, jazz and traditional Rwandan music. In addition to the musical performances, there will also be arts and crafts stalls, local delicacies and workshops celebrating Rwanda's cultural diversity. The Kigali Up Music Festival is a great opportunity to experience the country's vibrant cultural scene and network with locals and other travelers.

Other festivals and cultural events

  • Ubumuntu Arts Festival
  • FESPAD (Pan-African Dance Festival)
  • Rwanda Film Festival

What to pack? Tips for every season

Dry season:

Light, breathable clothing

Sturdy shoes for trekking and safaris

Sun hat and sunglasses

Sun cream with a high sun protection factor

Light jacket or sweater for cool evenings

Rainy season:

Waterproof jacket and rain trousers

Waterproof hiking boots or shoes with a good tread

Quick-drying clothing

Insect repellent

Robust rucksack cover

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