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Vaccination Rwanda

Health preparation for your adventure

Health preparation for your adventure

A trip to Rwanda promises unique experiences: from impressive gorilla treks in Volcanoes National Park to fascinating safaris in Akagera National Park. But before you embark on your adventure, it is important to take care of your health. Travel preparation plays a central role in this and ensures that you can enjoy your trip worry-free. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the recommended vaccinations for Rwanda, how you can best prepare yourself and what health measures you should take on site. This way, you can enjoy your trip carefree and experience the many beauties of Rwanda to the full.

Written by: Anja Sterker Last updated at: June 26, 2024

Vaccination recommendations for Rwanda

For your trip to Rwanda, it is important to find out in good time about the necessary and recommended vaccinations. Here are the most important vaccinations you should consider.

Standard vaccinations

Make sure your routine vaccinations are up to date according to the RKI vaccination calendar. This includes vaccinations against:

  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)

Travel-specific vaccinations

In addition to the routine vaccinations, there are special vaccinations that are recommended for travel to Rwanda:

  • Hepatitis A: Transmission through contaminated food and water.
  • Hepatitis B: Transmission through bodily fluids, particularly important for longer stays or close contact with the local population.
  • Typhoid: Especially when traveling to rural areas and during longer stays.
  • Rabies: Particularly relevant for travelers who spend a lot of time in nature or come into contact with animals.
  • Yellow fever: The yellow fever vaccination is mandatory for entry into Rwanda from a yellow fever area. No yellow fever vaccination is required when entering the country directly from Germany.

Malaria prophylaxis

Rwanda is a malaria area, which is why prophylaxis is strongly recommended. Your doctor can prescribe suitable medication to minimize the risk of infection. In addition, you should consistently protect yourself from mosquito bites during your trip. This includes

  • Wearing long, light-colored clothing
  • Using mosquito repellent
  • Sleeping under a mosquito net

Eine Frau sitzt auf dem Boden umgeben von Kaffeebohnen
Ruanda Volcanoes Nationalpark Vulkan Landschaft

Vaccination schedule and preparation

In order to optimally prepare for your trip to Rwanda, it is important to take care of the necessary vaccinations in good time. Ideally, you should make an appointment with your family doctor or a travel medicine center 4-6 weeks before your departure. Here you will receive comprehensive advice on the recommended vaccinations and can have them carried out directly.

Before the trip

Plan your vaccinations well in advance so that your body has enough time to build up sufficient immunity. Some vaccinations require several doses over a period of time, so early planning is essential.

Travel medical advice

Individual travel medical advice is essential. Specialized doctors can not only give you the necessary vaccinations, but also valuable tips on general health care and specific risks in Rwanda. You can obtain this advice from tropical institutes, travel medicine centers or specialized travel practices.

Health tips for your trip

In addition to vaccinations, there are other important measures to protect your health while traveling.

Protective measures on site

Protection against mosquito bites is particularly important in Rwanda to prevent diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. You should observe the following measures:

  • Insect repellent: use mosquito spray with DEET, especially in the evening and at night.
  • Long clothing: Wear light-colored, long-sleeved clothing and long pants to cover your skin.
  • Mosquito nets: Sleep under a mosquito net, especially in areas with a higher risk of malaria.

First-aid kit

A well-stocked first-aid kit is essential. Make sure you have the following items with you:

  • Personal medication: Take enough of your regularly required medication with you.
  • Emergency medication: Anti-diarrheal medication, painkillers, clinical thermometer and antiseptic.
  • Bandages: plasters, gauze bandages, disinfectant and scissors.
  • Sun protection: sun cream with a high sun protection factor, after-sun lotion and a sun hat.

Drinking water and food

Make sure you only drink bottled or boiled water and avoid ice cubes. When eating food, make sure that it is well cooked and served hot. Raw fruit and vegetables should only be eaten peeled or well washed.

Health insurance

Check your international health insurance and make sure that it also covers repatriation.

Discover Rwanda exclusively

Travel recommendation

Discover Rwanda exclusively

Your health and safety are paramount when planning a trip to Rwanda. By preparing in good time and following the recommended vaccinations, you can ensure that you are well protected and can enjoy your trip without any worries.

Visit the website of the Federal Foreign Office for the latest travel advice and health recommendations for Rwanda.

We wish you a safe and eventful trip to Rwanda! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. Your dream trip awaits - get ready for the wonders of Africa!

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